Monday, 7 April 2014

Monday Monday

Good Morning!

Goodbye beach, hello Internet!

This week I am officially back in the land of the connected and will be writing regular updates on my blog again, including my popular Studio Tuesday and Word Wednesday features. If you are a surface pattern designer or type lover and fancy being featured, please do get in touch with me and we can talk about a feature. I'm full for the next couple of months on my Studio Tuesday feature but always happy to accept new submissions.

There's a couple of other posts I do. I regularly post 'Essential Resources' where I review some of the courses, books, websites available to designers and I also journal my own progress just to share my experiences with other budding designers. If you would like to guest post or suggest anything for these posts, do get in touch and I'll be happy to discuss your suggestions. I've also been toying with the idea of doing a regular feature on motifs if I get time. So much to do! 

This week's Studio Tuesday will feature Jennie Whitham, a surface pattern designer based in Yorkshire and Word Wednesday's guest is Lauren Hay from Scotland. I will be taking a look at The Darling Tree in attempt to pretty up this blog and talk about a project I have been involved in recently.

Don't forget it's shortlisting day for the Tigerprint competition today - good luck everyone who has taken part. I blogged about my entry here. They've also launched a new competition for the month involving florals which I'm quite excited about having a go at. 

Have a wonderful week and please check back here for all things surface pattern!
Frankie x