Wednesday 7 May 2014

Word Wednesday: Always Yes


Today's Word Wednesday was inspired by a comment I read on a course I'm currently taking. I mentioned last week that I am doing Beth Kempton's wonderful course,  Do What You Love  and it's really bringing some energy and fresh thinking to my life. 

Earlier this week we were talking about turning 'can'ts' into 'cans' with a simple but very effective exercise. There was a discussion about this exercise and this was one of the comments...

"When I was being under confident about my abilities a few years ago, my husband told me about a colleague who once said to him 'always tell yourself yes, let the others say no'. I remembered that when looking at this exercise. We just need to tell ourselves that we 'can' a lot more often than we do."

This really resonated with me. I've put so much off in my life because I've said no through a lack of confidence and a fear of failure. It's such a bad habit that I really want to let go of. I'm working on hard on making this happen! Fonts are Papercute and Eyes Wide Open

Enjoy your day,

Frankie x

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