Wednesday 10 December 2014

Essential Resources - Jessica Swift's Goal & Intention Kit

Good Morning!

On Monday I woke up really early after a fabulous weekend of fun,  feeling really ready to get cracking so what better way to start the week than with a great big plan for world domination  design delight!

Working for yourself is REALLY hard, especially when you are new to it. Spending many years at school and then working for the man doesn't really prepare you for being your own boss and I find the balance between being really disciplined and losing control of everything is a cause of constant anxiety. I often push myself really hard but don't always remember to reflect on the good stuff - you know, the stuff you did that made you feel brilliant and might give you the confidence you need? So here's a little rescue remedy in paper form.

If you've read my blog before, you'll know what a huge fan I am of Jessica Swift's work. She really switched me on to wanting to make patterns because not only is her work beautiful but she writes in a really nice, encouraging style that says, "you can do it too". And it's not just a touchy feely gesture from one artist to another - here is some actual, practical help in the form of a kit. I used her Goal and Intention Kit in 2013 and I don't know why I didn't use it this year as I feel I would have been way more productive - but anyway I've already started again for next year so no matter.

The kit is a home printable resource costing only $15 dollars - that's less than a tenner in sterling right now. WARNING: my printer is not working properly and my photography skills are not top class so don't be put off by the muddy colours - I'm out of blue! Here's a screen shot of what it should look like:

Mine is more of a crimson and khaki affair but I still love it!

The first page gives you some instructions and then you can dive right in listing all your successes from 2014. Get a cuppa and make this a really enjoyable thing to do, dig deep and try to remember all your brilliant moments from the past year. There's also the chance to reflect on challenges and lessons learned before you embark on your big dreams for 2015.

And here's a small selection of some of the sheets you get to dream big on!

So if you're looking for a boost or just a really effective way of getting your plans in order, I can't recommend this enough. Thanks Jessica.

Have a great day everyone,

Frankie x

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